Sunday 12 October 2014


civil engineering, the most important you need to know if you want take this course. ini adalah nasihat daripada engineer handal, miss fatin. please be serious.

subject you need to master and vice versa
physic, kalau nk jadi engineer semestinya 200% minat physic.
chemistry, ada sikit je pasal chemistry dlm course ni. tapi semestinya kena tahu serba sedikit pasal chemistry. 
add math, engineer kena lah pandai math and should not easy to putus asa.
and drawing, kalau xpandai lukis takpe sebab engineer usually use computer to draw. lukis ni memang cerewat sikit, perlukan kesabaran kukuh dihati.
and the MOST IMPORTANT, mesti lah rajin. kalau suka buat kerja last minute takpe asalkan rajin nk STUDY walaupun study last minute, rajin buat ASSIGNMENT walaupun last minute. 

because we are engineer
sesetengah orang yang minat nk jadi engineer, usually they have this habit. the reason is..
nota kaki : “ Tuntutlah ilmu sampai ke negeri China, kerana sesungguhnya menuntut ilmu sangatlah wajib atas setiap orang muslim”.

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