Tuesday 2 December 2014

Panorama Hill, Im coming.

last weekend before semester  end was quite special because i just got chance to watch sunrise on the hill with my beloved classmates. Its was my first time to watch sunrise on hill, usually at beach. Dari kolej kami bertolak pukul 2 pagi, tak silap aku. Konvo lah ramai-ramai naik kereta bertolak ke Panorama Hill, Sg Lembing. Perjalanan 2 jam, tu pun ada berhenti. Pukul 4 pagi dah sampai, and we start hiking.

muka semangat sebelum hiking

aku tak sangka pulak bukit agak menakutkan gelap, curam, ada tangga tapi mak aiii. letih aku. tercungap cungap. Badan x tough al maklum lah jarang exercise. Nak sampai puncak ada lah makan masa 1 jam kot, disebabkan keadaan gelap, tapi yang cantiknya bintang. The darkest night produce brightest star. Sampai jer puncak, waktu subuh and we preform our prayers. After that, we wait for sunrise. Masing masing dah duk sibuk snap gambar walaupun gelap Totally worth it. Piece of paradise, really beautiful and refreshing. And im just like live above the clouds.

on the top of Panorama Hill

cause watching sunrise, just like get another chance
breathtaking, Subhanaallah.

running after you like chasing the clouds.


Selesai sudah semua pukul 8, letih memang letih tapi berbaloi lah. *thumbs up. Tata, Panorama Hill.